Curriculum at St Paul's 





















Our curriculum here at St Paul’s is based upon the skills our children need, so that they may lead full and successful lives, both now and in the future.  We incorporate academic, creative, emotional, social, physical and moral qualities into our teaching and learning. 

Our pupils learn through a variety of different strategies and techniques involving individual or group activities and practical, spoken and written tasks.  In all lessons, we aim for the children to be actively engaged with their learning and involved in their individual progress and achievement.

Where possible, our curriculum is organised with a cross-curricular approach.  Learning is enhanced by visits or visitors and specially organised WOW days; these take place throughout the term to maximise and maintain pace of learning.

The learning involve activities which challenge the children to remember, understand, apply, create, analyse and evaluate ideas, therefore building upon their independence and creativity. 

St Paul's Curriculum Policy

St Paul's Curriculum Brochure

We are proud of our curriculum at St Paul's.  Please see our curriculum brochure below which contains detailed information of all subjects taught at St Paul's, our values and approach to learning.


What are we trying to achieve through the curriculum? (Intent)

  • Ensure our curriculum meets statutory requirements across all subjects.

  • Provide a bespoke curriculum that meets the needs and interests of the community that we serve.

  • Ensure that we provide a curriculum that is progressive in terms of knowledge and skills.

  • Provide an innovative, memorable, cross-curricular and creative curriculum that motivates and inspires children to learn and adults to teach.

  • Provide a curriculum that allows movement and flexibility so that learning can be led, to some extent, by the children and their interests.

  • Ensure the curriculum enables all children to be equipped with the lifelong skills and knowledge to achieve in modern Britain in the context of global citizenship.

  • Provide children with the maximum opportunity to reach their potential year on year.

  • Provide a progressive approach to the teaching of ‘life skills’.

How has it been set up? How is the curriculum being delivered? (Implementation)

  • Based on statutory requirements of the curriculum

  • Progressive in terms of knowledge and skill

  • Allows for the repeating / developing of knowledge and skills and in doing so deepening children’s knowledge, understanding and skills

  • Allows for the application of knowledge and skills learnt in an appropriate context

  • Thematic, creative approach that relies heavily on a cross-curricular approach to learning and teaching

  • Allows for the school to respond to the needs and interests of the children and the wider community

  • Allows for teachers to ‘block’ subjects where appropriate

What difference is our curriculum making? (Impact)

  • All statutory aspects of the new national curriculum are met

  • Increased percentage of children assessed at the national ‘expected’ level across the curriculum which will be evidenced by a comprehensive tracking system

  • Increased percentage of children assessed at the national ‘mastering’ level across the curriculum which will be evidenced by a comprehensive tracking system

  • Pupil, staff and stakeholder perceptions will be positive

  • Staff and pupils will have the opportunity to reflect on learning and themes and make changes

  • Pupils will have the opportunity to lead their own learning in order to deepen their knowledge and skills

  • Pupils will be ready for the next stage in their learning and life in modern Britain

Curriculum Overviews

Click on the images below to view each year group curriculum overview.

Year 3  

Year 4  

Year 5  

Year 6 

 Our curriculum will also provide:

  • A discrete weekly Religious Education lesson
  • A weekly PSHE/RSHE lesson that also focuses upon maintaining good mental health and well-being for all
  • A weekly lesson of French as well as opportunities for children to be exposed to other languages.
  • Two PE units each term
  • Swimming for Year 3,4 and 5
  • Forest School for Year 3
  • A residential for Year 6
  • Learning a musical instrument for Year 4
  • An enrichment session each term where activities ranging from yoga to chess and circus skills to bird watching take place




Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural and British Values

Our curriculum will give children at St Paul's the opportunity to:

At St Paul's our School Christian Values of Respect, Encourage, Friendship, Love, Equality, Compassion and Trust underpin our curriculum and how children can contribute positively as a global citizen to the world on their doorstep and beyond.


Our curriculum will give children at St Paul's the opportunity to:


Our curriculum will give children at St Paul's the opportunity to:

Diary Dates

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