Year 2 Transition

We are looking forward to welcoming all our Year 2 students into Year 3 with us at St Paul's CofE Junior School! Below you will find information about how we transition the students and Key Stage 2 skills they will learn when they first start. Here is a short video, giving you a taste of life at St Paul's.

For any further information you may want, please contact us via phone or email using the contact information at the bottom of the page.

Year 2 Transition letter and information

Your Transition Packs will be available at the MEET THE TEACHER EVENING on Wednesday 26th June, which will include the Name of your child’s Class Teacher and Class and also the following information:

Welcome letter, Key dates for 2024/2025, School lunches and uniform and printed prospectus 2024/2025

We have also included a Transition Booklet we would like your child to complete and return to us, more information when we meet you at MEET THE TEACHER EVENING

Welcome Letter 2024

Virtual Tour Videos from 

We hope these videos give you an idea what life is like at St Paul's.  

  CLICK on image for all our latest videos

The Big Step of Moving From KS1 to KS2

We recognise that moving to St Paul's CofE Junior School is a big step for a lot of children and we aim to provide many opportunities for Year 2 children to experience life with us before moving over in September. During the Summer Term, Year 2 children are normally invited to the Juniors to explore the school and classrooms on a tour with a Year 3 buddy. Later in the Summer term, we will hold a transition evening for parents.

Here new parents will learn about the curriculum for the upcoming year, school routines and will have the opportunity to attend a meet and greet with their child’s new teacher in their new classroom. Also during this term, the Year 2 children will take part in sessions with their new teacher to help them settle and to ensure that they will be happy at their new school.

We Get To Know Our New Students

Whilst working with our Bowlish, Shepton Mallet Infants and other colleagues, we spend time finding out about the new children joining us both educationally and socially. We are keen to find out about the children’s academic abilities but most importantly to learn about each individual child and their needs to ensure their transition to St Paul’s is a positive and exciting journey.

We run an after school which all children are invited to attend. This will run for three weeks on a Tuesday afternoon. 

explorers club poster.png


KS2 New Skills

In addition to the physical move, there are a number of new skills that children need in KS2. They will not be expected to master all of them at once; their teacher will break them in gently over the first few weeks of term. But a helping hand at home can make the transition much easier for your child. 

KS2 skill: going into St Paul’s independently

Children will be dropped off at their allocated space in the playground for the first few days, where they will be greeted by the teacher. Once they become familiar with the classrooms, after they hear the bell at 8:40am, they will enter their classrooms independently. If there are any issues that the teacher needs to be made aware of, then parents can send a message via Class Dojo or make an appointment to see the class teacher.

How you can help: If your child is anxious about being dropped off, encourage them to find a friend they can stay with until it’s time to go into the classroom. 

KS2 skill: working in a group

In KS2, children are expected to be more independent when working in groups. This involves a whole raft of new skills, such as listening to each other, explaining ideas clearly, taking turns, helping others, allowing everyone to contribute, and pulling the group’s ideas together into the end product.

How you can help: Look for opportunities to practise group work at home, such as baking a cake together, with one person reading the recipe and the other weighing out the ingredients, or collaborating with siblings or friends on making a LEGO model.

KS2 skill: supporting home learning

In KS2, children will be expected to read at home everyday for at least 20 minutes. In addition to this, children will also have their own login for TT Rockstars (for help with times tables) and Accelerated Reader (to improve reading skills). Three times a year, children will be given a topic home learning task, where they will need to research and present their learning. 

How you can help: Support your child by listening to them reading and encouraging them to have a regular allotted time to complete home learning.

KS2 skill: coping with play times

In KS2 play is generally more independent, they will have the opportunity to play and socialise with children in Year 3 and as their confidence builds, they will have the opportunity to mix with the whole of the school. There will be a range of activities led by mid-day supervisors and play equipment for the children to play on. They will also have the opportunity to work outdoors in our extensive grounds. Generally, we do not have an afternoon break but teachers use the outdoor space as an extension to their classrooms.

How you can help: We have a Buddy Area where children can go if they want someone to play with, so encourage your child to use these if they’re feeling anxious or lonely. 

KS2 skill: organisation

Children in KS2 are expected to take more responsibility for organising themselves, for example by remembering to bring their reading books, PE kit and Forest School kit to school on the relevant days. It is also important that children's kit is clearly labelled, so they are able to keep it organised. 

How you can help: Get your child into the habit of unpacking and repacking their school bag themselves the evening before. 

Things to practise over the summer

- Tying your shoelaces;

- Telling the time;

- Using a knife and fork;

- Changing independently;

- Packing their lunch box and their own bag;

- Changing their own reading book;

- Logging on to Online Learning- for example, TT Rock stars;

- Drawing straight lines with a ruler. 

Year 2 Transition Booklet to St Paul's 

Please download and print to fill in and become more familiar with our school.

For Additional Support on School Transitions, Click on the Image

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Diary Dates