SEN Information

At St Paul's we believe every child should be supported in a way that suits them best, with relevant adaptations and differentiation to ensure that all children can access their learning. 




The school's Special Educational Needs Policy is written in line with the 'SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years' which came into force on the 1st September 2014.

Somerset's Local Offer

Somerset’s SEND Local Offer is our local hub of information and guidance for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), their families and professionals in Somerset. Explore services available to support you and how to access them.


We believe that all children should experience the St Paul's Curriculum a way that may be adapted to suit them in order for them to access the learning. Below is the way SEN are supported at St Paul's with our curriculum. 

curriculum and send st pauls .pdf


SEN Policy and Documents

 SEN Information Report 2023-2024

 Accessibility Plan 2023-2025

 SEN- Identification Whole School Approach

 SEN Policy - Updated January 2024

 SEN Report to Governors 2022-2023 

 Copy of the Code of Practice 

 Somerset's Graduated Response Toolkit 

 Somerset's SENDIAS - A impartial service for parents

 Somerset Local Offer 

Diary Dates