Governing Body

On behalf of the Governors I would like to welcome you to St Paul's CofE VC Junior School. I thought it would be useful to introduce ourselves and give you some ideas of how the Governing Body works.

School governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to children's education. Together with the head teacher we set the future direction of the school and decide how the school's budget should be spent. We make decisions collectively on matters such as school policies and the school development plan.

Our governing body consists of 10 governors including the Head Teacher, parent, community, authority and staff governors. The full governing body meets six times per annum but within the full governing body there are several committees that meet at different times and report back to the main governing body. These committees cover all aspects of school including such things as finance and buildings, curriculum and personnel.

Each governor has a subject area of responsibility. Throughout the year Governors meet with the leader of their particular subject to discuss how it is being taught in the school and any special activities planned. This gives the governor an opportunity to gain an insight into the day-to-day planning and teaching of their subject.

Most of the members of the Governing Body are not education professionals and our role is one of a 'critical friend'. Governors scrutinise, ask questions and if appropriate, raise any concerns we may have regarding any matter that may arise. We make decisions on such things as performance targets, school policies and the school's development plan. We then monitor the impact of policies and oversee the use of the budget. Governors also, very occasionally, have to consider complaints and hear appeals from staff or pupils. 

Albert Owen

Chair/Ex Officio Foundation Governor

Diary Dates