Design and Technology School Policy


As designers and technologists, we do not just stop at our curiosity of how things work but instead look at how we can think creatively to problem solve and make products even better. At St Paul’s CofE VC Junior School, we understand the diversity of the world and the importance of exposing our pupils to a wide range of products that can inspire their curiosity and creativity, as well as the thought-processes involved in creating such products. We believe children need a hands-on approach that also gives access to other areas of the curriculum such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art. Skills and techniques developed through Design and Technology are of great importance in our everchanging technological world to ensure that children are equipped for the next stages in their lives.


At St Paul’s CofE VC Junior school we follow the ‘Design, Make and Evaluate’ approach to Design and Technology as outlined in the National Curriculum. During D&T lessons we encourage the children to be inquisitive in the way products are designed to broaden their understanding of product and product design. The children design and create products that consider function and purpose, and which are relevant to a range of sectors. Children are taught the importance of evaluating their products once complete as this allows them to consider how they could have altered their design or techniques to impact the overall appearance and usability of their product. Children use our school kitchen to cook regularly across the school, using our own produce grown on our school grounds and working alongside our school gardener. Seeing seasonality every day in our school grounds allows them to deepen their understanding when using them in their making process.

Our Design and Technology curriculum is implemented across the school by Kapow, supporting our teaching staff.


Through our curriculum the children build on their D&T knowledge and skills each year. As designers, they can develop skills and attributes which they can use beyond school and into adulthood. They learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising, and capable citizens. Subject and school leaders monitor the impact of our curriculum provision through completing regular monitoring, listening to pupil voice, opportunities to offer extra-curricular activities.

Design and Technology National Curriculum

St Paul's Curriculum Tracker

long term plan 23 24.pdf


St Paul's Food Plan

SEN in Primary Design & Technology

Risk Assessment

Progression of Skills

progression of skills and vocab 23 34.pdf



Diary Dates