Collective Worship at St Paul's


             "I am the Good Shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me." John 10:14 

Daily collective worship is a very special time at St Paul's. A typical week of Collective Worship looks like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Whole School Worship lead  by Headteacher

Virtual or Hall

Singing Worship Clergy Worship/Open the Book 

Class led Worship

Values focus

Whole School Celebration Worship

Our Collective Worship Policy

Collective Worship Ambassadors

Collective Worship Ambassadors are representatives of each class that will support the planning, leading and evaluating of Collective Worship at St Paul's.  They will regularly meet with the Collective Worship lead in order to reflect upon what Worships look like at St Paul's, seeking to improve and provide a voice for the children at St Paul's to make their Worship time as inclusive, inspirational and invitational as possible. 

We strive to encourage all children's involvement in Collective Worship at St Paul's. Every half term, a class from each year group will lead a Collective Worship for the whole school that celebrates their learning and one of our Christian values. 


Collective Worship Highlights Autumn 2023


Collective Worship Highlights

Year 3 and 4 began their time at St Paul's with a Trinity Worship lead by Mr Partridge in our local linked church. Every year, the new year 3s receive an image of the Trinity to welcome them to the school. 

This years' Harvest Festival was the first we were together as a whole school in the church. So many items of food were brought to support the Salvation Army Food Bank and the Community Fridge. We were able to provide a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit from our own St Paul's Garden

We shared our school vision with the new Year 3 children by sharing our school values, making stained glass windows for our lower school corridor and writing prayers. 


A 2 minute silence for Remembrance Day. House Captains were also invited to the Cenotaph to lay a wreath on behalf of the British Legion. 

Our Carol Service held in St Peter and Paul's church was full of singing, the Christmas Story, music and readings. 

Collective Worship Highlights Spring/Summer 2022

The Leavers' Service was a chance to reflect on the year that has just passed, say goodbye to our staff and pupil leavers and look forward to the future. Year 6 Collective Worship Leads, House and Vice Captains lead their peers through a bank of memories over the course of the 4 years they have been at St Paul's and the Year 6 teaching staff encouraged them to reflect, laugh, remember and enjoy their memories of the past year. 

We also value giving our children moments to remember at St Paul's. This was a music and dance inspired memory for everyone, including the staff. What great team work we have in our staff team!

Collective Worship during points of the year has still needed to be conducted in creative ways due to the circumstances. We strived to offer opportunities for children to reflect, and pray and also be together as the St Paul's family each week. 

We are lucky to have the space in our school grounds to ensure that we can hold weekly Celebration Worships. We were able to enjoy these special times, especially during the heat towards the end of the summer term. 

We were delighted to be able to that St Peter and Paul's Church were able to host our Easter Service at the end of the Spring term. We filled the church with song and shared prayers for this special time in the church calendar. Every child brought forward a cross to create a 'pathway of colour and prayer' in front of the important cross symbol. Collective Worship leads re-told the Easter story. Older representatives supported the younger children with kindness and encouragement as this was the first for many leading a service in the church.  

Collective Worship Highlights Autumn 2021

Collective Worship 2021


Christmas 2021

This year we were able to support the Christmas Tree Festival at the Baptist Church. Each child wrote a Christmas Wish in response to a Collective Worship led by Reverend Jonathan along the advent theme of Hope.

Also, with the kind donations of our parents, the PTA were able to create a handful of hampers for the Salvation Army to support the work they do for our community in Shepton Mallet. Thank you so much to the parents for their generosity this year!


Remembrance at St Paul's 2021

Our School Council representatives planted our art project poppies on our school lawn where the whole school gathered to pay their respects on Remembrance Day at 11am.







We also took part in the community art project to mark this important date. We made poppies and produced images incorporating the footsteps of the fallen and words that help us to commemorate those who have fallen. These were displayed in our local Tesco supermarket along with other schools' entries.


Harvest 2021

On Wednesday 6th October, children and staff visited the church for the first time in nearly two years. We were able to sing, celebrate and share our learning in our Harvest Festivals. Our choir sang, Worship Leaders read prayers and readings from the bible and shared stories of teamwork and poetry about Harvest. 

Thank you for Reverend Jonathan, Rachel Lord and the rest of the team for welcoming us back into the church.


The parents and children at school kindly donated items of non-perishable food during our Harvest Week. These were sent to the Salvation Army in town for the Community Food Bank.

Here are a few examples of our Collective Worships we ran during Lockdown.


Tuesday 23rd February 2021

collective worship 23 02 21.pdf

 40 Acts of Kindness @ St Paul's Challenge 2021 (at home)

There are a few spaces for you to fill with your own ideas to make it suit your household during this period of home learning. Enjoy and have fun.

40acts challenges st pauls 2021.pdf

Dear God, 

During this time of Lent, help us all to remember to be thankful for all the good things we have, whether they are a need or a want. May we be reminded to help those in the UK and around the world that do not have enough food to eat.  Amen

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Please join Reverend Jonathan for our Collective Worship on the theme of Patience. 

Collective Worship with Reverend Jonathan - Patience - YouTube

Week Beginning: Monday 11th January 2021


collective worship 11 1 2021 expectations for 2021.pdf

Week Beginning: Monday 18th January - Whole School Collective Worship (Live)

collective worship 18 1 2021 sticks and stones.pdf

Week Beginning: Monday 25th January - Whole School Collective Worship (Live)

collective worship 25 1 2021 resilience yeti.pdf

Thursday 28th January


Friday 29th January – class Celebration Zoom. Candle and school prayer used. Please visit children’s work on remote learning pages and class dojo

Week Beginning: Monday 1st February - Whole School Collective Worship (Live)

1 2 2021 hope and dreams.pdf

Tuesday 2nd February 

This week we are exploring Children's Mental Health week through the theme of 'Express Yourself'. Watch this virtual worship featuring many famous faces to introduce this to you and your family. Click on the image to watch. 


 Song: It's okay not be okay 


Wednesday 3rd February 



Thursday 4th February 

Share the following poem with a sibling, parent, grandparent or just read it for yourself. It is about a boy called Samuel.

samuel hears .pdf

How would you answer this question? Pause for a moment and have a think.

Is it easier to believe in things you can see or in things you can't see?

You could simply answer it in your head or send your ideas to your class teacher through art, prayer or writing. What do you believe in? What don't you believe in? What makes it harder to believe in some things and not others? How would Samuel from the poem answer this question?

As you go through this week, think of all the things you cannot see but know are there. For example, air or love. 

 Shine Jesus Shine - Graham Kendrick - YouTube

Friday 5th February 2021

Join your class for your Celebration Worship. As part of Children's Mental Health Week 2021, you are invited to 'express yourself' through an accessory, hair style, clothing or any other way that you can think of for your zoom this week. 


Week Beginning Monday 8th February - Whole School Collective Worship (Live)

6 2 2021 love is.pdf

Tuesday 9th February 2021

                                  Do you often lose hope and forget that each new day is a fresh start?

This is a Collective Worship on the theme of Hope from the Faith at Home team.

What have you done to help someone have a good day? How could you help someone who's having a bad day, to have hope for tomorrow?

Always remember as our school value says, there is always someone there for you, someone to ENCOURAGE you and remind you that tomorrow will be a better day.


Wednesday 10th February 2021

Today's Worship from Rev'd Dart to continue the theme and value from Mr Partridge's live zoom on Monday

Thursday 11th February 

For today's Worship we are thinking about the start of Lent. Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) is on the 16th February which marks the start of the Lent season. Follow the link below to discover more about this.

There are a few images below too for you to try to make links for this season of Lent. How many can you make?

 What is Lent? - BBC Bitesize

Lent lasts all the way up until Easter Day. Traditionally, this period is marked by giving something up. This is often chocolate or sweets. Some people decide to offer a helping hand to others, give to others, rather than give something up. These are two ways that you could mark this season of Lent. Give something up for give to others. 


Week Beginning Monday 22nd February - Whole School Collective Worship (Live)

22 2 2021 skill of waiting.pdf

Week Beginning Monday 1st March February - Whole School Collective Worship (Live)

1 3 2021 daffodils.pdf

Tuesday 2nd March

02 03 21.pdf

Dear God, 

We are aware of the difference between our needs and our wants. Let us be grateful and content with what we have. We ask for support for those that don't have all their needs met, as we reflect on what we can do to help others. Amen

Wednesday 3rd March

Collective Worship with Reverend Dart - Levan's loss

Thursday 4th March 

04 03 21.pdf

Songs we know and love @St Paul's 

My Lighthouse


Count on Me


This is Me 


A few new ones you might like to listen and join in with

It's okay not to be okay (please just say)


Diary Dates